Coastal Geomorphology, Environmental Economics, Game Theory, Optimization, High-Performance Computing, Public Policy, Coastal Management, Environmental Justice, Hedonic Modeling, Natural Resource Management
Ph.D. Candidate, Environmental Science and Management, Montclair State University, 2016—Present. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba, Dissertation: Coupling human and natural dynamics to understand developed coastal behaviors.
B.S. Environmental Science, Tulane University, 2011-2015. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicole Gasparini, Senior Capstone Project: Coastal Migration: Protection Structures and Beach Erosion in New Jersey.
Research/Teaching Assistant, Lorenzo-Trueba Lab, Montclair State University, 2016 — Present
Field/Lab Technician, Psuty Lab, Sandy Hook Cooperative Research Programs, Rutgers University, 2015 — 2016
Natural Resource Intern, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, NPS, 2015 — 2015
Research Intern, Gasparini Lab, Tulane University, 2013 — 2014
Research Intern, Sambrotto Lab, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 2010 — 2012
The Graduate School, Montclair State University, “Quantifying extinct inlet breach risk for urban coasts facing sea-level rise”; PI: Arye Janoff; $9,180, 01 July 2019 — 30 August 2019
Special Advisor, Bradley Beach Democratic District Delegates, 2020 — Present
Secretary, Bradley Beach Environmental Commission, 2019 — Present
Volunteer, Bradley Beach Oceanfront Development Task Force, 2019 — Present
Commissioner, Bradley Beach Environmental Commission, 2019 — 2019
Gasparini, N.M., Fischer, G.C., Adams, J.M., Dawers, N.H., and Janoff, A.M. (2015) Morphological signatures of normal faulting in low-gradient alluvial rivers in Southeastern Louisiana, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.3852.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. (In Preparation) The beach nourishment game: emergent behaviors that amplify vulnerability and possible futures for coastal communities at risk.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. (In Preparation) The role of shoreface dynamics and overwash rate in beach nourishment decisions: insights from a simple model.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. (In Preparation) Groins and their downdrift socioeconomic consequence: forced community abandonment.
Session Co-Chair, GSA SE/NE Joint Section Meeting 2020: Integrating Field and Modeling Approaches to Understand Changing Coastal Systems, Reston, VA.**
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. (2019) Coupling Geomorphology and Socioeconomics to Account for Groin Downdrift Erosion, Coastal Sediments 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. World Scientific.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2020. The effects of wealth inequalities in neighboring coastal communities on the potential economic benefits of coordinated beach nourishment (SENEGSA), Joint Section Meeting, Reston, VA.**
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2019. Suboptimal beach nourishment decisions: When self-interested actions enhance a neighbor's welfare; CSDMS, Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2019. The unintended consequences of forced coastal abandonment; Montclair State University College of Science and Mathematics Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Montclair, NJ.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2018. Exploring Optimal Community Coordination along Developed Sandy Coasts: Long-term management within a Groin Field; American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2018. A Coastal Geo-economic Model for Coordinated Community Response to Local Erosion and Sea Level Rise; Middle States Division Association of American Geographers (MSAAG), Annual Meeting, Montclair, NJ.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A.. Groins and the Erosion Hotspot Problem: a Coupled Geo-economic Model for Community-Scale Response; Montclair State University Student Research Symposium (MSUSRS), Montclair, NJ.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2018. A Coastal Geo-economic Model: Property Protection, Federal Buyouts, and Managed Retreat; CSDMS, Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A.. A Geo-economic Model to Explore Hard Structure Impacts on Coastal Evolution, Real Estate Markets, and Community Abandonment in New Jersey; AGU, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Kolodin, J., Janoff, A., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., Ashton, A. 2017. Using coupled geo-economic models to explore the interplay between coastal protection, natural processes, and economic values along developed shorelines; CSDMS, Annual meeting, Boulder, CO.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. A Geo-economic Model to Explore Hard Structure Impacts on Coastal Evolution and Management; MSUSRS, Montclair, NJ.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A., 2017. A Geo-economic Model to Explore Hard Structure Impacts on Coastal Evolution and Management in Long Beach Island, New Jersey; Super Storm Sandy: Five Years Later Meadowlands Conference, Lyndhurst, NJ.
Janoff, A., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., & Ashton, A. A Geo-economic Model to Explore Hard Structure Impacts on Coastal Evolution and Management; Association of American Geographers (AAG), Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Annual Meeting Student Scholarship, 2018
Montclair State University Student Research Symposium Graduate Poster Award, 2017
Founders Scholarship, Tulane University, 2011 — 2015
Environmental Studies Scholarship, Surfers’ Environmental Alliance, 2012
Dean’s List, Newcomb Tulane College, 2012
What does it mean to be a research scientist? (invited), 2020 (Bradley Beach Elementary School)
EAES 551-01, Coastal Geomorphology (guest lecture), 2018 (Montclair State University)
A Geo-economic Model to Explore Hard Structure Impacts on Coastal Evolution and Management (invited), 2017 (Surfrider Foundation Jersey Shore Chapter)
EAES 107-02, Earth and the Environment Lab, 2017 (Montclair State University)
EAES 250-01, Introduction to Marine Science Lab, 2016 (Montclair State University)
Janoff, A. (2019, October 17). Coders with Cores going to Conferences. Montclair State University, Environmental Science and Management Ph.D.
The Graduate School at Montclair State University. (2019, September 16). Program Spotlight: Environmental Science and Management (Ph.D.).
Programming (Matlab, Python, SAS, Google Earth Engine); Network Protocols (SSH); Remote Server Clients (PuTTY); File Transfer Protocol (SFTP/SCP, WinSCP); High Performance and Parallel Computing (Matlab parfor/parpool); X-Window Applications (VcXsrv); Operating Systems (Windows, Mac OS/Unix, Linux); Data Management/Visualization (Microsoft Excel/Word/Powerpoint/Image Composite Editor); Spatial Analysis (ArcGIS, QGIS); Sediment coring (Geoprobe, Vibracore); GPS surveying (Trimble, Leica); Bacterial Analysis (Enterolert); Graphic/Creative Design (Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop/Lightroom, Inkscape)
** In-person conference canceled due to COVID-19, transitioned to virtual session format on Twitter: #GSAgeocoast
Revised: 04/19/2020